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Old June 9th, 2009, 12:14 PM   #16
Ninjette CPT
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Originally Posted by Graphic Twist View Post
Nice work! Maybe I'll post a few of my own when I'm home from work.

Mind me asking how you're doing the color change? I ask because I can think of probably 3-5 ways of doing it, yours works well on the highlights and midtones but the shadows are keyed up a lot. I'm wondering if your method would work in combination with another to preserve the darker tones too.

Disclaimer: I am a professional Graphic Designer, forgive me.
i'm excited to see what a pro can do! i hear what you're saying. the original pic has some strong highlights that i've tried to get rid of to give a more even tone, (used a contrast mask, and some other methods), but didn't really like the results. as far as color change, i desaturate using the average of lightness and luminosity, then i use the hue and saturation attributes to get the color close to what i want. after that i sometimes tweak the tone one way or another using the input and output levels.

i'm interested in what insight you have for me
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