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Old April 16th, 2013, 03:22 PM   #1
Kevin2109's Avatar
Name: Kevin
Location: Orange County
Join Date: Mar 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2006 zx636r

Posts: A lot. knows, I guess you guys should too... :o

Well about 2 months ago now I crashed my poor baby gizmo pretty bad. It has been hard getting on the forum and not being able to ride so I just stopped logging in. Thats different now! It was a small, slow, and retarded crash and thankfully I didnt get hurt (Thanks gear ) I just transitioned jobs at the time so I was making less money and havent had any extra money to fix the bike Tax season is saving my ass this year though! Little over 3k back So the bike is going under some pretty awesome construction! I will keep this thread updated with the progress of the bike, should all be done in a few weeks

Now story time!

I was leaving work to pick up food, I had all my gear on and jumped on my bike and fired her up. I park my bike in the bike racks, because its convenient and funny to see it with a bunch of bicycles

So here is the view from the other side a little far away just to give you an idea of the area

Now there are two ways of getting down the curb, the slow boring ramp way, or the I'm a bad ass a jump down the curb on my street bike way. We all know which way I take....

Here is the curb a little closer

I always jump off to the right of the tree (you can see the ramp next to that) Ive done it a 100 times before and never ever have had an issue and many other curbs as well, and even jumped ramps and stuff like that, so I would say I'm pretty damn good at it. However things went down differently on a Monday back in January. When I jumped off the curb the bike kicked me and I landed all my weight on my hands, mostly my right hand... I had the throttle open a little so the weight shift made me go WOT into the speed bump you see

At this point I'm thinking to myself I am so ****ed... And I was... After the speed bump came that curb and the tree. Its a good thing I hit the speed bump first because it must have kicked the front end up just enough to hit the top of the curb and not the face of it, and its the only explanation to why my forks arnt bent. Me and the bike then hit the tree with our right side, thin I was tossed over my bike 5 feet onto my side and the bike landed next to that

The tree

This is a view from the other side of the tree looking back at the bike racks

And this was my poor baby after I picked her up

Naturally people called 911 so it made a HUGE ****ing ordeal and scene over it, and I was in pain so I was getting pissed. Friends helped me get her home and I took the day off

Here are some better pictures of the damage

Not riding for 2 months is KILLING me! But that is coming to an end very soon.

I knew I couldnt sell the bike because it wasnt too much in damage, but it did look like ****, so I wanted to change that. I open photoshop the other night and started playing around with ideas. I had one major requirement, green rims, so I started there and built off ideas and came up with this:

Before: (The bike has more aftermarket stuff on it now, like rearsets and stuff)

New Design:

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