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Old April 16th, 2013, 04:36 PM   #97
JBinSD guru
Name: Joel
Location: Sandy Eggo north
Join Date: Aug 2012

Motorcycle(s): '13 Ninja 300, '99 SV650 tracked

Posts: 378
Yeah, I understand the points issue, and would agree to forfeit any points, as they mean nothing to me. I know there's not enough 300's out there to grid a SS, and honestly I don't mind having just one race a day, but just thought I'd ask.

After thinking about it, I might well kill the issue for now, and wait to see what shows up next season, since its the break anyway, and not worth the drama of discussion.

The sad thing is that if I were faster, it would be an issue. . . I think I have 4 or 5 races total now under my belt, so I'm just glad to be out there, and stoked you guys have accepted me (not in the nutsack punching way, but I'm good wid that too ;-)

I'll see if I survive 'till next year, and hopefully more 300's will show up. I keep bringing the SV out, and not racing it, 'cuz it fooks me up too much switching back and forth.

If I ever get fast enough to get protested, I'll consider it a compliment. For now, I'll just roll the ULWS and get my drink on that much earlier. Disregard my earlier poast.

Anyone else riding A group on Fri?
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