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Old June 11th, 2009, 01:43 AM   #36
Ninja Newbie
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Name: Ben
Location: Austria
Join Date: May 2009

Motorcycle(s): EX250K9

Posts: 126
I only very recently started getting attracted to bikes, at the age of 25. I love cars, but the cheap piece-of-junk cars I've had in the past were so unreliable and frustrating that I decided to "screw 'em". I currently don't really have the money to spend on a new or near-new sporty-feeling car that's fun to drive, and I'm not somebody who takes credits or loans. I commuted to work by train for about half a year last winter, but it was a pain in the a** because it takes ages and I needed to walk down a very ugly, depressing road for about 30 minutes each day.

A colleague of mine's who I chat with quite a lot is a motorcycle nut, and he told me how much of a kick motorcycling is. He already told me exciting stories about motorcycling a year ago, but back then when I still had a car I never consider getting one. But when it finally broke down and I sold the piece of junk, and after a few months of being fed up of not having my own vehicle, I started considering them. I also remember a cool Suzuki ad on TV which made me check out all the Suzuki bikes on their webpage early this year. I didn't know anything about motorcycles, so I browsed around on the Web, found a raving review of the Kawasaki Ninja 250R on, and so eventually I went ahead with getting my motorcycle license and getting my own 250R.

So for me, I think it was mainly the fact that motorcycles have a much better speed-cost ratio than cars that made me get one.
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