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Old May 3rd, 2013, 01:41 PM   #42
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Restricting the blood flow using a torniquet is strictly forbidden in first aid here, the complete stopping of blood causes the pressure to build up and the blood become toxic, it will then travel back up and can kill the person, or travel back up and damage the blood vessels.

Edit: not to mention killing off tissue from lack of blood / oxygen, hemorages etc.

Most cases of clean cuts, fingers, arms legs etc when gone into shock the body has a remarkable way of reucing the blood flow to the limb where blood loss is actually minimal, this must have been a very nasty cut to the femoral artery for him to die of blood loss, but a relativly quick death.

What should have been done, while torniquets are VERY badly frowned upon, the correct method is to raise the wound above heart level, and apply pressure to the wound.

I'm a member of st johns ambulance, trained in emergency first aid and insured up with them incase anybody decides to sue my first aid attempts up to a million pounds. I highly recomend this course, or equivilant for your country.
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