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Old May 6th, 2013, 12:17 PM   #7
dave42 guru
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Name: dave
Location: Pasadena
Join Date: May 2012

Motorcycle(s): ninja 250, ZX6r, RSV4, Caponord Rally

Posts: 267
I really commend making time for it even though it's inconvenient. I always chuckle when I see a dinged up new bike being listed on craigslist with like 400 miles on the odo because the owner never took proper training and decided either they can figure it out on their own; you don't wanna be one of those.

Having to fix up damages from dropping your bike can get expensive really quickly too. I know it sounds pretty harsh since you just got yours and you're excited about it but the best course of action really is tarp it up and don't mess with it until you're done with the class.
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