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Old May 19th, 2013, 11:51 AM   #24
Daily Ninjette rider
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Originally Posted by az3200 View Post
What do you mean by modifying the L-shape rocker?
That is explained in the link of post #19.

What's driving me crazy is I feel like I'm not getting anywhere with this. Ok, I feel like there is only one more thing to do before I keep posting and stressing and that's measure this damn chain. then once I get the measurements just go from there...
Yes, of course, you need to know the condition of the chain first.

If I did need to replace the chain, why would much more money be needed? Isn't the chain only $40-$60 new? is it MANDATORY the engine be dismantled?
You will need to buy non-reusable parts like gaskets and also special tools. You will need much time and some illuminated room to work for several days.

I watched this video on youtube of a guy who cut the old chain, and left it in the engine.........Seems logical, but the results are non-predictable (heat greatly weakens any chain) and a catastrophic failure could happen anytime.

Why didn't they make these chains with a master link.. or do they?
No, such link is not available. Mainly due to the high speed that this chain reaches while directly attached around a crankshaft able to spin at 12,000 rpm.
.................................Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly
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