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Old May 25th, 2013, 08:07 PM   #288
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Name: antiant
Location: Cali
Join Date: Aug 2012

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MOTM - Oct '14

I dropped it twice, on each side, within two weeks of me getting my bike. What can I say? There's nothing like spreading the love on each side of the bike, your first two weeks, lol. Both were in the driveway. My driveway has an incline/slight hill, so I kind of knew it would be the death of me and my bike at some point or another. The first drop, I think I let out the clutch too early, it stalled right in between the incline of my driveway, lost my balance a little and tried to save it, but then realized I couldn't. Really, it's like watching a bird fly for the first time out the nest. First attempt to fly, falls flat on his/her face (except I didn't fall on my face, thank god).

Luckily, it didn't do too much damage to the fairings, just some minor scratches (like someone keyed it). On the second drop, I was trying to turn around (with my feet and in neutral) and not go into the grass, so I was turning it and I think I turned the handlebars too far over, where I lost my balance. On that drop, I bent my gear shifter, which sucked. Fixed it today and now I know how to fix it if it happens again. On each drop, I basically played arm wrestle with my bike. I caught it each time, but I didn't have the strength to lift it up, as the center of gravity went beneath me quickly, so I just laid it down gently as best I could, since it basically out wrestled me. C'est la vie mon amie.

Oh btw, I tried to lift that bike up by myself (I've watched videos on how to do it) and I could not lift that sucker up. Thankfully someone walking by my neighborhood helped me lift it up. Maybe I had bad body positioning? Or maybe I'm not strong enough? Who knows.
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