Thread: Jiggles
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Old May 31st, 2013, 04:52 PM   #33
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I think it's the keywords "suck" and "ass" that do it.

Is this an OS war now? For my money, as a BI Analyst and Developer for a fortune 500, windows has suite integration down to an art for what I do, I have all my visual studios projects in team foundation server along side all SSMS scripts and procs so I can colab on projects across multiple jurisdictions effortlessly, macs "just work" but for hardcore enterprise solutions, microsoft have a very strong lineup, and "Just works" better.

Linux is great, but for serious business applications and client side integration the availablility of tools are lacking, the company I used to work for went open source after microsoft dropped the CIO from the MVP list of something, the switched back within nine months at great expense.

But in My SQl and Java it would take me 10x as long as C# and t-sql.

But sure, no reason not to run Linux in dual boot, but windows is my main OS.
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