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Old June 14th, 2013, 05:40 PM   #35
voidrider member
Name: Sam
Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon
Join Date: May 2010

Motorcycle(s): 1996 Kawasaki Ninja 250, 2000 Kawasaki Super Sherpa

Posts: 79
I found it seems to have "stages".

Really fresh, the gravel on top is just like riding offroad in fine gravel...its nasty, and you just go easy, slow inputs, no sudden turns, acceleration, or braking. It seems that even the tar layer under the gravel is still an ooze that moves around a bit.

A bit older most of the loose gravel has been swept clear by traffic, but watch out for loose gravel in the usual locations - in corners where the odd car actually pushes it back into the traffic lanes.

When it is older and really settled in, the only issue I find is that locally they tend to use REALLY sharp ground gravel, and it does seem to wear tires out faster.

I understand why it is done, but I still call chip-seal "the devil's catbox".
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