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Old June 19th, 2013, 08:01 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by antiant View Post
No, I frequently visit music blogs and sites, to see what's new and then I dl them and listen to them. It's fun to discover music like that, it's like a virtual "digging through the crates." I'm not a fan of radio of any kind because I don't like to be dictated on what I should listen to, whether it's commercial free or not. I pick music I listen to largely based on the mood I'm feeling at any given time. I have over 300GB of music and counting, so yeah, music is a really big deal with me.
yeah I dont have the time of money to buy or download all that music. Its easier for me to turn on a station find bands I like then listen to all their stuff. This is easy with spotify and google music both. I sometimes use the radio feature but you can search bands and find all of their music and have your pic of music. And again since they have a cloud server you can put up to 20,000 songs or something like that on your cloud storage. So now I have all my music plus music I dont own that I can access on any device at anytime as long as I have a data connection. I used to do exactly what you did but it got to tedious. Finding music has become a lot easier. I can thank Pandora for finding my favorite female vocalist right when she came out with her first EP, shoot she was still small enough she would talk to me on myspace some! (yeah it was a awhile ago lol) Now shes too big, but I still lover her and her music.

Originally Posted by Aggrotech View Post
lol come on guys.

this is 2013. stop with this "music streaming" nonsense!
Yeah thats why its so much more than just music streaming and it is soo "2013" . some of these have taken away the need for a music storage device.
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