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Old June 20th, 2013, 06:02 AM   #11
dirty boy
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Name: Joe
Location: Johnstown, PA
Join Date: Sep 2012

Motorcycle(s): I don't even know anymore??

Posts: A lot.
MOTM - Apr '14
i was big into GT1-GT3 and in GT3 i had 90% completion.

Picked up GT5 just earlier this year cuz i was itching for a racing game and my love of the series.

I don't know if i just didn't set the settings correctly but i found the standard races (the same cups ect... that the old games used to have) to easy. I remember in GT3 at my peak i could compete in some of the higher races with inferior cars, but then their would be some cups and series i would just have to bite the bullet and race with a more fitting car. I did not find that so much so in this game. I won the majority of races with a Civic type R and higher level ones with a Lotus in about the first 2 weeks.

Then once i realized you get tons of money for these special events races it made the game even easier, 1 easy race and you get tons of Cr. And the tires, other than endoro's i never had to pit despite running race tires? could never figure out how that worked. In GT3 if you ran race tires you would have to pit around ever 5 laps or so of a track other wise the car would become undriveable. I never found this to be the case

Not interested in the races where you "coach" the driver.... i got better things to do

Over all i like the game, tons of cars, great graphics but the average difficulty of the offline races is to low and not difficult enough other than a handful of stupid events that start you last in a pack of 8 and you have 2-3 laps to get first

Never raced against other people though, guess that could be fun, but mostly online people annoy me.
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