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Old June 20th, 2013, 11:03 AM   #26
ai4px sage
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Name: Wes
Location: Sumter SC
Join Date: Apr 2012

Motorcycle(s): 650r 2009 Vulcan 800 2005

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Originally Posted by Ktam View Post
Rule of thumb...if the dog isn't knee level it's not worth dodging - actually classified as an enlarged rat. 90 Degrees all the way Animal lovers don't go PITA all over me...
If you love your dog/cat, keep it in your yard.

In my car years ago, I hit a raccoon that ran across the road in front of me. I swerved to go around it, and it lost it's nerve and doubled back at just the wrong time. Since then I don't dodge things that are small. On the bike I'd have to quickly assess if it would destabilise me, not how much it would hurt the animal.... the animal that will probably jump out of the way just in time.

Also, years ago my grandmother who lived on a 400 acre farm hit a neighbor's pig. She brought the car down to my parents house and stayed with us while it was getting fixed. One of my "city friends" came over and saw her car and asked what caused it. I told him that granny hit a pig. He was dumbfounded and said "how'd she do that? Weren't the blue lights on?"
It's all about the curves. If you ride, you understand. If you have a stick skinny g/f and ride, you're 1/2 way there.
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