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Old June 22nd, 2013, 05:08 PM   #13
Name: Alfredo
Location: Paramount, CA
Join Date: Dec 2012

Motorcycle(s): CBR600 f4i, 2007 Kawasaki Ninja 250 (sold)

Posts: 182
Originally Posted by RandomPhantom View Post
I am the rider of the red ninja behind the black/grey R6. From my POV and from observing the video numerous times the R6 exited the turn a bit wide from the videos POV. From my POV i just saw him straighten up his bike and at that point i realized he is going straight into the wall with no turn space wat so ever. I couldnt avoid it no matter how u look at it. From a play and pause POV for the video i was just way to close behind him to even have any reaction time the second he impacted the wall. I couldnt turn left anymore as i was already pretty leaned. If i straightened up i risk hitting him and running into the wall. I ended low siding instead. For my story of why i crashed I was just too close behind him and didint give myself any space. Any feedback on this entire incident is much appreciated.
What Kevin told me when I asked was that his tire just started slipping out, he tried to right the bike but was already headed into the wall.

My guess is similar warnings idea, he took the turn just a tad too wide and maybe hit the paint or a small dirt patch and that made his tire start to slip.

As for Anthony, you can hear him crash, the "crunch" just before the camera riders head is turned is him hitting the rock wall. He locked his rear tire and skid into the dirt, then slid right into the wall. Unfortunately he panic braked instead of swerving.
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