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Old June 24th, 2013, 11:55 AM   #7
dfox sage
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Driving a cage isn't mind numbing to me. I love driving my car, almost as much as I love driving my motorcycle. It's the individual who cannot focus on driving that makes driving a car mind numbing.

And as far as a discussion with a passenger being just as distracting as a cell phone, that is complete garbage. A passenger can see what is going on around your car. When traffic gets heavy or crazy, conversations modify themselves. Passengers take breaks during crazy times. They can help point out things that the driver might have missed. Someone on a cell phone has no clue that you just got cut off, or that traffic up ahead in 1/4 mile is dead stopped, but the passenger CAN see that, and studies have generally proven that passenger discussions are not nearly as distracting as talking on a phone.

There are already bluetooth devices out there that will disable a phone, aside from emergency calls, once the car is moving. IMO, this is a great technology, and my child's cell phone will be equipped with it once he starts driving, but there are too many adults who are too stubborn to accept that they should put their phone down while in the car for the technology to be implemented on every car.

I love riding next to someone who is on their phone while driving, downshifting, and just blasting my yoshi in their face until they finally get so pissed off they either turn off the road, speed up, or drastically slow down.
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