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Old July 1st, 2013, 08:46 AM   #58
Jigglin' your Jiglets
Jiggles's Avatar
Name: Sean
Location: San Jose, Ca
Join Date: Jun 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2009 K1300S, 2013 Ninja 300, 2011 Ninja 250R, Faster than Unregistered's ninjette

Posts: Too much.
Blog Entries: 1
MOTM - Apr '13
Day Four, Five, and Six

Ok so I've got like 3 days to write about haha.

Well day 4 was just highway, that's it, bought 250 miles I think going through Nevada and Idaho. Day three though we did get some good food from Jakers. Nice restaurant with lots of good beer, pics in the gallery.

Day five, hooboy! 450 miles and nearly 10 hours on the bike! What a day! This is the day we went through Yellowstone. We had to start and end at cities way outside if Yellowstone because the neighboring cities were so expensive. We rode I think 100 miles to get to Grand Teton park and then we rode through there to Yellowstone park. We rode through there and it was awesome, aside from all the tourists and cars.

We went and saw old faithful and got to see it erupt. So many ****ing people there. At the Yellowstone park there were a couple old dudes talking to Brian and I about riding. One guy was giving us tips for awesome rodes and beautiful scenery butwe really didn't have time since this was such a long day already. It would have added on another 100 miles or so.

We left Yellowstone and I started working on hypermiling my K1300S. It was flat and slow so what I would do is accelerate and then pull the clutch in and coast. I continued doing this and the mpg tracker on my bike really like it. For the stint that I did it I averaged like 73mpg. For the whole tank I got 59mpg. Pretty ****ing crazy!

We headed to the next town Cody and got food. It was kinda a fancy place. I got wild boar kangaroo and elk meat. All interesting and pretty good. Normally this would be the end of our day but we still had 160 miles to go to get to Sheridan. I decided to get there as quick as possible. The first 80 miles was straight and flat so I went around 120mph for most of the way. It was cloudy and there were thunderstorms out. The clouds in front of me looked like they were going to start a tornado, there were lower than the rest of the clouds and swirling. The wind was blowing really hard, it's not hard to keep the bike straight but it does strain my neck from all that force. Eventually the road turned and all that wind was pushing my back. I stayed steady on the throttle and the wind pushed me up to 130mph. That's too fast so I dropped it back down to 120mph to be safe.

After 80 miles the straight roadies ended and one of my favorite parts started. The sun was going down and lightning was filling the air when I started on an epic canyon route. My gopro was still in 1 pic every 10 seconds mode and I didn't change it because it was so dark that the pics probably suck. Every minute or so lightning would light up the canyon and let me see briefly ahead of myself. The road was smooth like a race track and technical but predictable. I really wish is gone through during daytime. It was one of my favorite roads ever. Highway 14, go ride it.

As I reached the peak of the mountain I nearly split a deer in half. Dumb duck was just chillin in the road. As I continued I saw more and more deer, that night I probably saw around 50 total. I beeped my horn every couple of seconds which would get them looking at me and then I could see the reflection of their eyes. I had to slowdown so that one wouldn't take me out.

Eventually with like 40 or so miles left to get to Sheridan I reached the backside of the mountain. The ground changed to a red color which I thought was dirt but soon realized no, it's just the road. The backside had these straights followed by switchbacks which were very misleading. The straights easily let you go 60-80mph and then that would duck into a 25mph switchback. And it was a hard 25mph. I couldn't go over 35 through it because it was so tight, other cars on the road were rolling through them at 20mph. Oh and the cars, did a lot of DY passing that night haha.

Eventually got to Sheridan and checked into the hotel, 40 minutes later Brian arrived and I think another half hour or so later the car arrived. I got there at 10:40pm and I was dead tired.
And that was day 5
If the Ninja 250 doesn't have enough power for you, then you don't know how to ride it.
AFM #676
Supersports are for n00bs
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