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Old July 10th, 2013, 08:18 AM   #18
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You can bet that the driver of that limo pulls this maneuver on a regular basis when he's empty of passengers, he zips past other traffic in the carpool lane then dives through the barrier to the regular tollbooths at the last moment.

You can hear the guilt in the limo driver's voice as he loudly proclaims his "innocence" in the first moments after the accident. He's obviously been pre-practicing his story in his head during his many prior violations of this particular traffic law.

Honestly, because of the negligent and intentional nature of the limo driver's actions (regularly using the carpool lane as a traffic bypassing tool before braking hard and diving through a barrier) the resulting accident amounts to vehicular assault against the motorcyclist.

And the saddest part of this whole thing is that it's obvious the limo driver didn't even need to pull his stupid little trick this time because traffic was really light.
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