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Old July 10th, 2013, 11:51 AM   #23
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Name: Matt
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Join Date: Nov 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2012 Ninja 250r

Posts: 286
You know what, at first I felt you guys were right, that he could have just dodged the car, but it just occurred to me its just not that simple.

Let me explain!

Watching the video gives us the distinct impression that there is enough time for him to react and just swing right. But we feel so cause we know what to expect in this video. Our mind is already prepared for what is about to happen and hence we are able to discern the right course of action to take so as to counter it. If any of us were in his shoes at the time, I bet 99% of us would in fact end up the same way. Its not humanly possible to remain 100% vigilant all the time, our minds will eventually decrease its alertness if there aren't any potential threats nearby. Plus an average human reaction time while driving can vary from .15 to 4 seconds. Which comes ONLY after the driver/rider is able to recognize the danger ahead after which the brain has to forward the appropriate signals to the rest of the body. Then comes the response time of the vehicle. Basically his brain realized that he was f**kd and let his instincts take over.

On the flip side, @teh - This situation could have been avoided if you had maintained the proper braking distance.
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