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Old July 13th, 2013, 02:41 PM   #16
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Requiring everyone who is required by law to wear a helmet to have a system where the authorities can identify that person has to be wearing a helmet isn't profiling, it's implementimg a method of identification for the sake of allowing the enforcement of a logic and sensable law.

Besides, it's not profilng as "young driver" isn't a profile, everyone is young once so this applies to 100% of people, aka EVERYONE, so having a law applies to everyone isn't descriminatory, it's a transitional identification system based upon a law that allows identification and enforcement of a life saving system and the identification of a statistically proven group of people (white, black, female, asian etc) so, 100% of everyone again so not descrimatory whom are at higher risk to themselves and others.

So your argument for a lerners permit being applicable to everyone is no more valid than saying this system applies to everyone, as everyone is young once, and everyone is a learner once, the only difference is if you choose not to have an under 21 sticker, you have the choice to not ride under 21, thus making the 21 badge an opt out system, the lerarner permit you can't opt out of!
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