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Old July 14th, 2013, 05:43 AM   #48
Gixxer Powered
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Originally Posted by n4mwd View Post
Also, in FL its illegal to have dark tinted windows on your car because cops want to be able to see what you are doing and what you look like. But its perfectly legal in all 50 states AFAIK for a biker to go ATGATT and be covered from head to toe - thus preventing a cop from making a positive ID. So when someone is ATGATT, the cops have a harder time telling age - but the point is, they shouldn't need to know that in the first place.
Tint is more for the protection of officers during a traffic stop, not exactly for proper identification. But then one could argue why pull over a tinted vehicle for the purpose of giving them a ticket for tint and risk officer safety?

As for the FL law, it seems like another way for the state to make revenue. Does Florida require a helmet for riders with less than a year of having their motorcycle endorsement no matter what age?
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