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Old July 14th, 2013, 09:27 AM   #10
dwright0723 member
Name: Darryl
Location: OSU/Dayton, OH
Join Date: May 2013

Motorcycle(s): 08 Ninja 250

Posts: 121
Originally Posted by 00NissanNinja View Post
I think one of the screws are under the twist grip too if I remember correctly, so you have to very carefully pry it off. But yeah it should move around a bit.
Alright, took off the twistgrips and loosened the screws enough for it to move around and reinstalled the face shield. I got it to where the bottom o the face shield is a lot closer to touching the helmet than it was, but the pins still don't sit in the recesses.

Originally Posted by nautica View Post
My EXO-500 does the same thing. I'd crack it open with the lever and have to push up on the right side of the visor to get it evenly cracked.
Yeah but when you push the other side, the whole shield goes up a notch.

Originally Posted by choneofakind View Post
Make sure that the visor is properly snapped into the quick release system.

When I take my visor off to clean it, if I don't get both sides snapped back in fully, they don't close the same way and the visor isn't symmetrical and whistles funny while riding.

Open the visor fully, twist the release on both sides, take the visor off, then re-install it and make sure to fully snap it in on both sides. I know there's youtube videos from STG that demonstrate how to use the release system if you need help with that.
I took it off and reinstalled it when I adjusted the mounting plates. Seems like it was snapped in correctly...
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