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Old August 2nd, 2013, 06:09 PM   #23
CynicalC certified postwhore
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Originally Posted by ally99 View Post
Interesting! What is it you prefer about the porters and stouts? I can drink a porter on occasion, but I'm not a fan of stouts. I'm more of an IPA fan.
Pretty much comes down to flavor for me! So historically, the term "stout" was used to denote a strong porter (where weaker beer was considered to be "slender.") Today though, since one brewer's stout can easily be lighter than another brewer's porter, there's really no dividing line between the two and the terms can be used interchangeably. So there are probably some stouts you'd like, and some porters you wouldn't.

IPAs are tough for me. I've really tried to get into them since they're all the rage right now, but I just can't do it. I think I've had a couple that were on the maltier side and not as offensive to the tastebuds, but it seems like lately it's been a competition of who can make the hoppiest, bitterest, most headache inducing beer they can. I was blown away at a Pliny the Younger release a couple years ago. Paid like $10 for a 4oz flute of one of the worst "craft" beers I've ever had, and people were going bananas over it.
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