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Old August 14th, 2013, 04:19 PM   #28
Daily Ninjette rider
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Originally Posted by k24_cm7 View Post
.........again i am open to criticism to help improve for next time.

If you stop the first video at 0:57 and measure the angle of lean respect to the vertical, you will see that it was around 28~30 degrees.

That is much lower than the lean angle that you bike and tires can reach before they skid sideways.

Your perception of limit of traction is still very different from the reality.
That perception is associated to lean angle and G forces that you feel and compute in every turn.

You hit your mental limit in that curve: in your mind a low side fall was imminent, and your survival reaction was increasing the radius of turn.
There was no target fixation in my opinion, only contact patches hitting low traction surface while carrying a lot of lateral force.

Your error was joining a group ride.
Each member of that group had his own very personal perception of limit of traction.
For some riders that was 25 degrees, for you was 30, for others was 40 or even 45.
But you didn't know those personal limits or the feel of each curve of that play-road.

Other riders pulled you into that curve "too hot" according to your perception, suddenly you did run out of space, and the SR took over from that point on.
The simple fact that other bikes made that turn at similar speed demonstrates that you were not too hot for those conditions.
I see no benefit in group rides for inexperienced riders.

As Chris has advised above, a track day is designed to change and expand your personal perception of limit of traction, bringing it up closer to reality.
You are pulled into the same curve many times, increasing your speed gradually.
You will reach your personal perception of limit, but then, you will be pulled to go just a little faster next time, realizing that 30 degrees was not the real limit, but 33, ......wait, I made it at 36 this last time, and 39, and so on.
At the end of the day, your personal perception of limit of traction has increased 10 degrees !!!

Am I explaining the difference between both methods of learning thru practice simply enough?
.................................Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly
"Mankind is composed of two sorts of men — those who love and create, and those who hate and destroy. Love is the bond between men, the way to teach and the center of the world." - José Martí

Last futzed with by Motofool; August 14th, 2013 at 07:48 PM.
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