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Old August 14th, 2013, 07:22 PM   #6
fishdip certified postwhore
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Originally Posted by sheH4TEme2 View Post
Hey guys and gals. How ya'll been? Just wondering if you guys watch any vloggers out there on yt. Some of them actually inspire me to make videos.

This is a little short film I have been working on and now I'm done! I have a gopro and a pair of pivotheads. I get lots and lots of footage. But the thing about editing is VISION! Being able to visualize what you want to portray and piecing it together in your mind the first step to creating something great. That's what essentially makes an artist, an "artist." Everyone is an artist in some sort of way.

So here is the trailer I created:

Link to original page on YouTube.

And here is the final product! The video is unlisted. I still waiting for a response from a feature spot that I requested.

Link to original page on YouTube.

Now I know what your thinking, "the video or so called 'short film' is too short!" The reason for that is because I don't like to just mash clips together and throw music in the background. I like the actual footage to flow nicely with the music. So the video is only as long as the actual song. Don't get it twisted, this took me forever to edit, lol.

So does anyone here record and ride?

Your shoes are ugly. Your taste in music sucks you don't look cool you just look like a stupid kid with poor to little gear on. But your bike is kind of nice looking.
Hey Unregistered never go faster than your brakes can be applied...
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