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Old August 20th, 2013, 09:03 PM   #16
Misti sage
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Name: Misti
Location: Vancouver, BC
Join Date: Oct 2010

Motorcycle(s): currently: Yamaha YZF 250 dirt/motard

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Originally Posted by csmith12 View Post

Visual skills were at the top of my list to work on, second was braking. I feel pretty fast on this track but still have a lot to go here.

I simply relaxed and had a good time and left with a huge smile on my face. Crashing never entered my mind at any point.
This is a really great post and a really good example of how RELAXING on the bike can have a huge effect! I remember my first AMA race at Infinneon (sears point) I was well off qualifying pace and was super stressed out. A fellow CSS coach told me to go out, have FUN and RELAX for 10 minutes before coming back in, refocussing and then heading back out. I came in after the ten minutes feeling refreshed and ready to head back out in qualifying to "get er done!" when they informed me that I had taken a few seconds off my time and made the cut!! I was floored because at that point I wasn't even trying to qualify but the simple act of relaxing and NOT TRYING TO BE FAST made all the difference in the world.

When you relax and take trying to go fast, out of the equation you can focus on technique, one thing at a time and you usually end up going faster and riding smoother as a result!
"Leap and the net will appear!"
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