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Old August 25th, 2013, 06:39 PM   #3
dirty boy
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Name: Joe
Location: Johnstown, PA
Join Date: Sep 2012

Motorcycle(s): I don't even know anymore??

Posts: A lot.
MOTM - Apr '14
The park looks awesome, is there a lot of people there? Crowds tend to turn me off of riding parks which is unfortunate for me cuz some are really nice.

I know what you mean with the pictures. I think every time my wife and i go somewhere we are to busy and it tuns out to be a PITA to break out the camera and take some photos.

Sounds like a great day, it is always nice when everyone can go out and enjoy something like this together. I guess i kind of dragged my wife into dirt riding so i didn't have to feel guilty about leaving her at home when i would go riding but she loves it.

We were at her families farm today and that is currently where the KLX125 is at so i popped on it and got the blood flowing in it ripping around the farm. Those little bikes are sooo much fun!

Keep us updated on your dirt progress, pretty soon you will be hanging off drifting the turns.
I love the smell of burning pre-mix in the morning

I don't think I'm a lot dumber than you thought that I think that I thought I was once.
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