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Old September 3rd, 2013, 03:28 PM   #351
War Hippie
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Name: Bob
Location: upper east Tennessee
Join Date: Aug 2013

Motorcycle(s): CB500F

Posts: 156
Had a weird waving experience today while out running some errands in town. I'd just made a right onto a broad 4-lane street with a 30mph limit, kicked it up into third and was bogging it up to the speed limit when I see that something I'd picked up visually in the oncoming farthest lane as a bicycle was turning into ... something else. When I got close enough to see better it was a guy who looked a lot like Cosmo Kramer - no helmet but wearing a pair of what looked like black-rimmed safety goggles and riding a something-kinda-like-a-bicycle but with a screaming tiny engine where the crank should be. The guy's hunched over the bars like a road-bicycle racer except he has elbows chicken-winged, his head up straight, and he's either grinning or grimacing enough I can see his clenched teeth. He's also wearing an unbuttoned checkered long-sleeve shirt and the tail's flapping horizontally behind him like a pennant on a sailboat.

I waved anyway. I figured from his mixed expression that he was either having the time of his life and probably wanted to share it, or was truly horrifically terrified and could use some reassurance. There was never a question of having the wave returned, though.
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