Thread: Falling down
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Old September 14th, 2013, 06:08 PM   #31
Motorcycle Hypermiler
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Name: Vic
Location: Livermore CA
Join Date: Jan 2012

Motorcycle(s): 1999 & 2005 Kawasaki Ninja 250R's

Posts: A lot.
My most embarrassing drop happened while I was moving. I had rented a U-haul truck and had several friends scheduled to come to help with furniture and large appliances. Unfortuantely I got violently ill that day. I had a high fever, chills and was nauseous. But the house was sold and we had to move to our new house so I loaded stuff all day to get'er done. I remember getting so dizzy and nauseous that I had to stop and blow chow. Miserable.
We finally had all the stuff I planned to load in the truck. Then my wife asked me what I planned to do with my motorcycle. I told I planned to ride it the 25 miles to our house. She gave a ration of crap about riding it while I was so sick and why don't we just load it in the truck. Just like most married men, instead of sticking to my guns , I gave in.
About 2/3 of the way up the loading ramp, I lost forward momentum , starting tilting and ended up falling off . The bike wasn't damaged much. I whacked my head plenty good and definitely had my bell rung ( no helmet, riding the bike up the ramp, what could go wrong ). In hindsight one of the stupidest things I've ever done in my life. That which does not destroy us just makes us stronger.
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