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Old June 27th, 2009, 06:55 PM   #14
sixstring member
Name: Jerry
Location: Ontario, Canada
Join Date: Jun 2009

Motorcycle(s): 09 EX250 LE

Posts: 117
Thanks for all the great help guys! And pictures too!! WOW

So I didn't manage to scrape the tools together to take the cover off but I played around with the mechanism some more and here's what I found:

If I pushed the lever ALL the way into the clutch cover, it's stuck in sort of a 10 o clock position. BUT, if I pulled it out ever so slightly (About 2-3mm), I could rotate it to the 1 or 2 o clock position (which is the correct position).

So I reattached my clutch cable and thats how my bike sits now. I took it for a ride in the country side (about 20kms) and everything seemed fine. However, the damn thing still isn't pushed all the way in ... that combined with the fact that I may have damaged the rubber (not sure, didn't really look) the Purspeed was talking about is getting me nervous.

Hey Purspeed, what did you mean by 'boss' in this sentence:

"As long as you don't have a boss sticking out (mine didn't), it should not cause any problems. But, I do want you to be aware of this potential problem."

Is things rubber thing like an o-ring or something more fragile than that?

Looking that the pictures you've provided, I can't picture where the shaft would latch on to... the round disc seems to have no hold or anything for the pin to go into.
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