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Old September 30th, 2013, 09:20 AM   #4573
Name: Ken
Location: Suffolk
Join Date: Jul 2013

Motorcycle(s): '12 Ninja 250R

Posts: 421
Vinegar bath for a week, neutralized with a mix of water, two boxes of baking soda (two pails of that), and dish soap, then heavily sprayed with wd40, hit with a leaf blower, more wd40, hit it with a leaf blower again, blocked off the petcock/ fuel gauge holes, poured a bottle of 2 stroke oil, shook that around

Neighbors probably thought I was crazy seeing me shaking a gas tank around.

Fixing the bracket was the most annoying thing ever. Bracket was bent downward at a sharp angle. I was able to bang it back to shape with a combination of a rubber mallet, a screw driver, and pliers. Paint on the bracket was obviously ****ed up but I hit it with wd40, will spray it later with black and clear.



Down the line, I'll probably replace the petcock filter just in case there were more rust lodged loose by the gasoline.
May your roads stay clear....
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