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Old October 4th, 2013, 10:55 AM   #154
Daily Ninjette rider
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Originally Posted by bdavison View Post
These were no bikers. It was just a group of people looking for trouble..............
These are no bikers. Real bikers don't act like that. These were a bunch of punks that deserve to go to jail...........
I very much agree with the above statements.

This is an example of what could happen when you are a sitting duck:

The captured 16 years old killer confessed that this young couple immediately gave away the keys of the car and offered no resistance and that he pulled the trigger simply because "he did not see fear in their eyes".

What I trying to say is that it is wrong assuming that a person interfering your way or openly attacking you will always play by the rules of logic and decency.

In South Florida, LEOs' have been shot during simply traffic stops, impostor LEOs' have stopped and assaulted drivers, punks on sport bikes have endangered my family pulling stunts next to and in front of our car at 80 mph, punks initiating in gangs do whatever they are asked to belong; therefore, I don't stop for nobody other than a LEO.

If one must go to jail and the other one must die, I would rather be the first one.
I understand that the driver could have complied with the punks' demands and risk the outcome; but nobody asked him if he had an emergency and nobody let that "rebel" go.

I feel sorry for the guy that was run over after choosing belonging to that group of stupidity multipliers.
I feel sorry for the family forced into a weird situation.
I also feel sorry for the police doing nothing during this unfortunate event.
.................................Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly
"Mankind is composed of two sorts of men — those who love and create, and those who hate and destroy. Love is the bond between men, the way to teach and the center of the world." - José Martí
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