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Old October 6th, 2013, 07:53 AM   #193
jackliu239 member
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Originally Posted by Trubin View Post
I've met up a guy last Sunday same day as the incident. He showed me a video of the chase from a different perspective. Way before I saw any other video, or herd anything on the news. Looked like street justice to me. He told me that "the Range Rover hit a kid as he entered the highway" and they were trying to make him stop. I assume that the "break-check" incident was already trying to pull the SUV over. If you look closely at the live-leak video at 0:20 you see that the range rover is already missing the drivers side mirror. More then likely that the range rover was involved in a confrontation previous to the break-check. If people think that running over bikers is justified then the beating got to be justified as well. If the bikers didn't pull him out of the car and beat him, then the driver probably would have been facing charges.
I went back at 0:20 and I see driver side's mirror present.
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