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Old October 7th, 2013, 06:12 AM   #212
Daily Ninjette rider
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Name: Hernan
Location: Florida
Join Date: Mar 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2007 Ninja 250

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MOTY - 2016, MOTM - Dec '12, Jan '14, Jan '15, May '16
It has been revealed today that the window smasher was just attempting to get the identification of the motorist that hit his bike.
Reginald seems to have been under a lot of stress, being father of six and unemployed since 2011.

"Reginald (Reggie) Chance flips bird before arraignment in biker-SUV attack
The suspect was in Manhattan Criminal Court facing assault and gang assault charges in the brutal Sept. 29 beating of Alexian Lien. He flipped off reporters with both middle fingers moments before appearing in front of a judge.
"We concede the criminal mischief. It's obvious he overreacted, but the law does permit someone who is victim of an accident to attempt to get the identification of the motorist, and my client obviously overreacted in that manner," said Chance's attorney, Gregory Watts."

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.................................Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly
"Mankind is composed of two sorts of men — those who love and create, and those who hate and destroy. Love is the bond between men, the way to teach and the center of the world." - José Martí
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