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Old October 9th, 2013, 03:48 PM   #10
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MOTM - Oct '12, Feb '14
i made this for ally a couple weeks ago... was pretty good.

prescuitto wrapped, spinach stuffed chicken breast:

take a chicken breast, cut a flap and fold it before pounding it (i prefer to use my hands but you can use a soup can or a meat hammer or whatever)... get it about 1/2 to 3/4 an inch thick.

make the stuffing, an egg, bread crumbs, parm cheese, maybe some asiago.. sharp is good inside as you aren't using much. throw in sliced spinach and your choice of herbs and spices. i like to use a more cajony type... paprika, peppers, garlic, oregeno, etc. don't need much salt if any since we will wrap in prescuitto which is very salty. mix it up good and plenty. one egg should be enough for two breasts. you want the consistency to be like cement before it dries.

spread the stuffing over the top of the flattened chicken breast evenly and then roll the breast. after its rolled, lay down two slices of prescuitto, overlapping. and roll the chicken roll over the pig. the prescuitto sticks to itself very well so it should kinda stay together once its wrapped but go ahead and tie it up with cooking twine anyway to make sure it doesn't come apart when the egg expands.

cook in a pan in the oven for 30 minutes at 400 or until the chicken is done (standard chicken temps and times) once the roll is done, remove it from the pan and make a pan sauce from the chicken drippings with some balsalmic vineger a little chicken stalk and maybe some other goodies to make it taste nice. reduce it until it thickens up a bit and drip over the sliced pieces from the roll.

goes well with other cheesy and dark green items with a nice deep red wine.
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