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Old June 30th, 2009, 05:13 PM   #123
Psychic war veteran
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Name: Thomas
Location: Norfolk, VA
Join Date: May 2009

Motorcycle(s): Kawi Green '09 Ninja ZX6R

Posts: 663
Called the dealer today to report the problem, he said he'd heard of it, and that Kawi was recommending that they reprogram something (presumably the ECU, but he wasn't clear on that part). Much to my surprise, he didn't give me any hassle or run-around about it. He said it takes several hours to do...perhaps it requires some sort of calibration, in which case that may actually be realistic.

Regardless, I'll take them in for round 1, and we'll see what happens. I won't be able to take them in until next week at the earliest, so I'll post up after I get them back.
I found this on another web site, and it seems to contradict what the other posters experience is, as this guy's dealer/service center has heard of it.....although I question the validity as they seem to want to reflash the chip in the CDI. If it was that easy, then why would Kawi be replacing CDIs and tachs ad infinitum? Sounds to me like he may not have gotten someone at Kawi that deals with either very technical questions from service reps, or someone in warranty claims. In any case, a manufacturer will HARDLY volunteer failure data, especially on their most popular selling product!

In any case, NHTSA rarely gets involved unless there is a substantive claim that safety is compromised and people are about to or have already been hurt, but I guess if he's willing to go direct, can't hurt to try.

I assure you, Kawi DOES know about the tach issue! There have been many, many claims made all over the internet, and if even half are true, there's a problem. There can be no doubt for me, based on how many the two local shops have replaced recently (since the daily temperature started to get into the 80s+).
* If you're arguing with some idiot over the internet, chances are pretty good he's doing the same thing!
Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction
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