Thread: Is it time?
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Old October 24th, 2013, 03:08 PM   #20
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Name: Wes
Location: SF Bay Area
Join Date: Jul 2013

Motorcycle(s): 2014 Honda CBR650f

Posts: A lot.
I was in the exact same boat as you. 3 months and >2k miles in, I was already considering moving up. I put my 250 up for sale, and started putting serious thought into getting one of the many Honda F4i's I saw on craigslist.

But then I lowsided. I couldn't believe that the accident happened, especially at the speed I was riding at. It wasn't until more experienced riders on the forum looked at the video of my accident that I realized I had some serious flaws in my technique.

My point is.....for some reason, I wanted more straight line power (even though our 250s can beat almost any car off the line at a stoplight). I thought I was ready for a bigger bike. But I wasn't. And to be honest, since I crashed, I've gained much more appreciation for what my Ninjette does.

But if straight line power is the most important thing for you, then I'd say definitely go for it.
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