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Old July 1st, 2009, 05:00 AM   #145
Rayme guru
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Name: Remy
Location: Moncton
Join Date: Apr 2009

Motorcycle(s): '04 sv650s

Posts: 438
I said it in the other thread but since this is the official discussion here, my Ninja got the overheating cdi issue. However I only noticed it ONCE and it was when it was very hot and humid outside, (over 30celcius). My bike is out of warrenty. It sucks but it's not a big issue for me since it's rarely that hot here...Ironicaly my vacuum cleaner overheated the same day, ROFL.

Banzai: It might be a better solution to change the location of the CDI. Modifications to the wires would enable you to put in in a location with constant airflow instead of stuck inside the tail!
There's 2 types of people in this world, those who complain and those who act.
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