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Old July 1st, 2009, 05:28 AM   #38
Ninja chick
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Name: Allyson
Location: Athens, GA
Join Date: Jun 2009

Motorcycle(s): '13 Ninja 300

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Blog Entries: 4
MOTM - Dec '13, Feb '15
Wow, what great information here! So it sounds like everyone does it differently. I've practiced quick stops and various other maneuvers in a parking lot, but it is so tough to get real world (ie: 60MPH) experience in controlled conditions. That's what makes me nervous. Sure, in a parking lot at 25 MPH, I know I could master using the dreaded rear brake along with the front, however, in an emergency stop, I wonder if I would react differently and use too much of the rear brake. I'm only 120 pounds, and as you guys know, the back of our bike with no passenger is feather light. The fear of losing control of that back wheel is quite a mental block for me. I've been riding since March, and I've never used the rear brake, however, I try to look far enough ahead in situations so as to avoid emergency stops, so I've never really needed maximum stopping power on my bike....yet. I want to make sure I get the maximum stopping power as safely as possible. I think I'll take the bike out and do some practicing. Thanks again for everyone's reply! It is so interesting how different we all are as riders!
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