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Old October 29th, 2013, 07:18 AM   #62
kevin2109dad member
Name: Frederick
Location: Orange County
Join Date: Oct 2013

Motorcycle(s): the mangled motorycle Kevin2109 bought

Posts: 25
They have removed a bunch of machines such as the monitor for brain swelling, the camera that watched him 24/7 etc. There is probably 1/3 less monitoring devices than there was before. We all see this as a positive sign.

Kevin should be going in for a MRI this morning so we can can a accurate assessment of true injuries. For those of you that have been through the process, you know they kind of tell you what they "think" in the beginning and it changes. The first step is to stabilize him then they start doing all the other things.

The family is a bit on edge as there is a fear of what the MRI will uncover. I am hoping this is an unfounded fear and a fear that proves to be wrong.

The 2 dads and mother have been pretty demanding on Kevin as they are there. We constantly push him to wake up. Sometimes we forget that this must make him very tired. Because of this the family is requesting no visits that take things past 10 PM. The hospital wants him to rest at night.

However, if there is some exception that needs to be made, for example you are flying in and won't be back and can't see him any other time, please contact one of us so we can make that exception for you. We are all reasonable people.

On a side note, I wanted to ask everyone to be aware of something. One of the values we live by in this family is thinking of other people. When you visit Kevin, you will notice some other patients in other rooms. Patients who are alone, patients that don't get a single visitor over days. Then there are people grieving over a patient and they are all alone crying in the hall. I would ask that you think to yourself "what would Kevin do if he saw that"? I thought about that yesterday and did something about that with the father who was crying outside the first room on the right when you approach Kevin's room. It gave me something to talk about with Kevin afterwards and to thank him for making me stop and think and do something positive because of him (even in his state he can influence me)
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