Thread: Engine Seized
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Old November 5th, 2013, 10:53 AM   #11
Ish member
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Originally Posted by n4mwd View Post
Yes, pictures please. I think a rod is a balanced set so you might need two of them. The rods are matched to the crank via the bearings. There are markings on both the crank and the rods that indicate which bearings to use. If you get a set of new rods with different markings, then you'll have to buy new bearings too.

You'll also need 4 new rod bolts and 4 nuts. You really shouldn't use the old ones. They are made of special one time stuff. I tried reusing mine and they wouldn't torque, they just stretch.

Just curious, but how many miles on the blown engine?

Also, if JB-weld works, then great, but you may ultimately need a welder to fix the hole. And I should mention that a whole new case runs about $35 on ebay.

Ultimately, its your choice whether you want to fix or just buy a used engine, but the problem with used engines is that its a gamble and you already own a used engine. If you need a lot of new parts to fix the old one, then they will add up fast. If the crank is bad, then its no longer cost effective to rebuild. The advantage to fixing the old engine is that when its done, assuming you did it right, it will be a brand new engine.

When you pull it apart, be sure to examine the cylinder tails and piston skirts to make sure they aren't chipped. When rods break, they have a tendency to damage those.

Good luck.
The blown engine has 5,500 miles.

Thanks for the info.

I'll take her apart and see what needs replacing.
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