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Old December 17th, 2013, 05:01 PM   #35
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MOTM - Oct '12, Feb '14
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
Yes I'm aware. There are plenty of things we can do to prevent things like this from happening, doesn't mean it won't though.

Also, I don't like how you guys say to "expect the worst" or "think of everyone around you on the road like their idiots". It just isn't making me confident at all and what's the point of biking if we're not enjoying the thrill? Maybe I just sound a little.. suicidal.. but honestly right here typing on this computer there's a good chance of the roof collapsing and crushing me.

(I'm REALLY going to regret thinking like this if I ever get into a big accident ^ )

This is all just a learning experience for me right now, and I should probably listen to you guys rather myself.
riding a motorcycle on the street with cars is suicidal. it doesn't mean i wont do it. people tell me solo free climbing is suicidal. people tell me a lot of the things i do are stupid, dangerous, suicidal, childish wastes of time purely for enjoyment. what they don't realize is that i live my life to enjoy myself. i don't live my life for other people. i'm not here on this earth to entertain someone else. i'm here to entertain ME. so i do what i enjoy doing. risk can lead to danger, but it can also lead to great rewards.

try riding on the track, its nicer.
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