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Old December 31st, 2013, 07:49 AM   #46
Daily Ninjette rider
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Name: Hernan
Location: Florida
Join Date: Mar 2011

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Originally Posted by ally99 View Post
A recent thread has brought up a question in my mind. We all have different reasons for riding. What reasons make the risk worthwhile to you?

To me, riding is...
an escape...
a release...
an exercise in focus...
a new level of trust in yourself...
a new level of belief in yourself...
a worthwhile risk...
a passion...
an exhilarating freedom...
a high like no other...

Riding is...
adventure making
memory creating
mind clearing
love deepening
life changing
Very good post and question, Allyson !!!

In my case, I never had a reason for starting riding.
As far back as I can remember, I was a passenger in a motorcycle of a member of my family or circle of friends.
The bonds developed that way are like no other.

"What reasons make the risk worthwhile to you?"
Nobody questioned me that back then or when I started piloting these machines myself, it was just something natural as risk was an acceptable part of life.

The older I become the more people step in my way asking that question implying that something is wrong with me and that I should drive a car, like every responsible and balanced old person should.
Many people are convinced that if you ride a motorcycle, you need therapy, and that if a crazy old guy doesn't ride a trike or a sidecar, he needs even more therapy.
Although I know that the time to let go will arrive, for me not riding is more painful than old age itself.

Somehow, those well intentioned persons have learned that life must be lived in a safe manner, even if sacrificing the joy of living is needed.
I am the weird guy who has learned that thriving is about facing fear head on; not being stupid about fear, but refusing to let fear rule his live.
...... and I am perfectly happy being perceived as weird and being inspired by riding everyday.

"We must learn to live by inspiration. That means that we should let the spiritual depths of our being flow through our conversation and into our acts. Living by inspiration does not mean living chaotically. Our whole purpose is to make the intellect an instrument for Spirit…...To live by inspiration means to sense the divine touch in everything; to enter into the spirit of things; to enter into the joy of living." - Ernest Holmes
.................................Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly
"Mankind is composed of two sorts of men — those who love and create, and those who hate and destroy. Love is the bond between men, the way to teach and the center of the world." - José Martí
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