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Old March 1st, 2014, 06:05 AM   #82
old3 sage
Name: Jim
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Originally Posted by ally99 View Post
Chris, Alex, and others above me have already done so but apparently you know more than all of us. A death-grip on bars when you're down (or when you're not) is never going to fix any situation. It could only make it worse at that point...loose, relaxed hands/arms are the key in any riding (or crashing) situation. If you're down, let her go. Don't be dragged along by your bike. Common sense.

Folks don't need "protection" from you old guy. I call em like I see em. Cocky know-it-alls-better-than-everyone-else are quite frankly annoying.
Educated words, kind phrases, or logical arguments are more effective than petty name-calling and ego-trips. It's a new day. Learn from the mistakes of yesterday.
Good post as always, Chris.
You are vey wrong, and I never advised on a death grip. Again, if he knew the answers, and can't accept ideas outside of his own prejudices, why even ask? You seem to be stuck there also. The advice I gave works in certain circumstances that I'll guess you don't understand. I did, very politely, explain those on the first page

I even gave him advice on how to get more experience crashing safely.

You resort to name calling BS, I was channeling the Jerky Boys, and had the similie there to note the kidding in my comments.

You said you crash a lot, how many years riding/racing do you have in experience? You seem to believe you know it all, I gave advice for a specific crash tactic in specific circumstances answering a question with no detail at all.

You know my actual age like you know me, not at all.
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