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Old March 19th, 2014, 06:48 PM   #15
thelazyone22 newbie
Name: Roland
Location: San Jose
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Originally Posted by Yakaru View Post
Yes, exactly that.

Also the point where the zipper refuses to progress doesn't make much sense -- it's fairly low (about the bottom of my ribs) even though I can just take both of my hands and 'pull' the suit nearly together across midchest (which is where I'd expect it to get finnicky). I'm still playing with it trying to get it zipped up with both pieces of gear on. I may try stopping by BeachMoto to look for a thinner back protector, but the ForceField isn't terribly huge (it is fairly /tall/ for me, even in size small, but not unreasonably so)
That's the unfortunate reality with off-the-rack suits; they're stitched to specification, not unique situations.

One thing you can try that hasn't been mentioned yet is bend over (like 90 degrees if necessary) and then try to zip up. One piece suits are designed for the tuck position, not standing straight up. This is more prevalent on V zip ups with hip to neck zips but it might help with the groin to neck zip as well.
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