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Old April 21st, 2014, 07:18 PM   #138
cadd cadd cadd
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Name: Cadd
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MOTM - May '15
Originally Posted by Jammerkiller View Post
I thought you already checked that. ??? That would possibly explain it, but I'm still not sure on the oil level. If it was gasoline in your oil, then the gas has to be getting past the float valves, rushing past the main jets (our being sucked into the starting enrichener circuit to bypass the jets) and pour directly into the front boots. That couldn't happen while the engine is running, though. The engine would burn just about any amount of extra fuel from the SE circuit, but the engine would run like **** during the process.
I checked that the choke cable fully opens and closes the choke mechanism. However, I don't know exactly what goes on in the carbs when that slide goes back and forth. The slide (that is operated by the choke cable functions properly). But is it "really" working internally?
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