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Old May 1st, 2014, 07:43 AM   #7
Yarhj member
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Name: Will
Location: Atlanta, GA
Join Date: Feb 2013

Motorcycle(s): Ninja 250 (2001)

Posts: 135
It does sound like you may have slightly dirty pilot jets, but cleaning out the carbs is a bit of a pain, and sometimes clogs like this will clear themselves up with a bit of use. Ride it and see what happens! If you do decide to pull the carbs to clean them out, consider doing n4mwd's battery box mod, to make getting the carbs in and out much easier (it was quicker for me to do the battery box mod, remove the carbs, and replace the carbs, than it was to just remove the carbs without doing the mod). If you'd rather not start hacking bits and pieces off your bike, you could do the job the right way and unbolt the rear fender, but that's a bit more work.

Personally, I wouldn't bother pulling the carbs unless it still threatens to stall after 5-10 minutes of riding. My motorcycle also threatens to stall without just a bit of throttle when it first starts up (especially on colder days), but after it's properly warmed up it idles perfectly happily.
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