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Old May 23rd, 2014, 06:34 AM   #15
dfox sage
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I've said this before, but in order for EV to take off, batteries need to be leased.

Electric cars and motorcycles would be much more enticing to the average consumer if you paid a small fee every month/year for battery replacement/maintenance.

Sure, you can charge your battery at home if you want, but if you're on the road, pull into the "battery station" and have them swap your batteries. In a matter of minutes you're back out on the road. They maintain and charge the battery you swapped out, then give it to another customer. As it ages, they recycle the material into a new battery.

It won't happen until manufacturers agree on (or an agency standardizes) a modular battery system that is quickly accessible. I see this as being easier to achieve on a motorcycle than a car, but still possible on both. It'd greatly extend range to the point that there is no difference between gas and electric, except maybe 2-3 minutes longer at a "battery station" than a gas station.
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