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Old May 23rd, 2014, 11:12 AM   #17
Dano sage
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Name: Dan
Location: Perryopolis, PA
Join Date: Mar 2010

Motorcycle(s): 09' Blue Ninja 250R and 07' Honda 919

Posts: 605
Originally Posted by KawiKid860 View Post
Paging @Dano (Am I doing it right?) Going to look at, and probably buying an 02 919 hopefully on saturday. $2200, it's in pretty good shape, he says it has some scuffs/dents from being backed into but I can't see them in the pictures so it can't be too bad. 10,800 miles, seems well cared for and the owner seems very nice and honest, and is willing to travel a bit to meet me since he's a good 3+ hours away. I'm excited for it, just wondering how you're liking yours so far? My 500 is fairingless and the whole naked thing doesn't seem so bad, really kills the top end on a windy day or with a passenger, but double the hp on the 919 should remedy that. I haven't done more than an afternoon of riding though, just commuting basically and some hooligan stuff and cruising around town :P Still, I think this bike will be a pretty good fit for my wants and my needs, and I sure have missed the sound of an inline 4. And having crazy power when I want it lol.
I like mine alot, longest day I put in was 6hrs and about 260 miles which was fine for me. I am short so I just have to be careful moving it around. The only difference from yours to mine is I have adjustable forks and the 02s did not.

Oh I took a ride of my Ninja 250 last weekend and it felt so damn slow after just riding the 919.The freaking power is so sweet though.

I am going to do some Danmoto cans over the winter and powdercoat a few things but other than that not much else. I want to paint it white in a couple of yrs.

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