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Old May 26th, 2014, 08:45 PM   #1
Fresh Deli Meat
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Name: Kevin
Location: Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Join Date: Feb 2014

Motorcycle(s): 2009 250R Ninja -Neener-

Posts: 678
Cornering without looking...

TLDR at the bottom.

Everytime you corner, look through your turn. Follow with your head and eyes. Look through your turn. Every corner...

I just got back from a weekend, cross state trip to visit family. 700 miles in a weekend is enough for a sore ass lol.

In that 700 miles, I learned a few things. First, my bike will not even pretend to follow a 1000 Busa on the highway. Second, having a speeding Busa in front helps when the cops are everywhere for Memorial Day weekend. And third, killing a bug with your neck at 70 MPH sucks.

By far, without a doubt, the most important thing I learned this weekend is to look through your turn. That bike will go wherever you are looking. Make sure your looking where you want to go.

I'll start by saying that I had no accident over the course of the whole weekend. Your in the wrong section of the forum for that . However, this one mistake was big enough that there was a chance I wouldn't be here to post this. I was on my way home, riding the 200 miles worth of highway at maybe 10 mph above the speed of traffic, just enough to justify staying in the left lane. With less than an hour left to ride, I stopped to stretch and get gas. As I climbed back onto the bike, I looked out of the gas station to the entrance ramp I needed. Saw a suggested 25mph sign for the ramp and figured it was pretty tight. I was right on that. Not a big deal though. I rode through the 180 degree uphill right hand curve onto the highway and, as I was about 80% of the way through, noticed that there wasn't much of an entrance lane. In fact, there was almost none. First step was to check traffic. Second would be to find an escape if needed (BY THE WAY, THAT IS BACKWARDS! FIND YOUR ESCAPE FIRST). I turned my head to check the traffic and a huge SUV was barreling down the highway at what felt like 90mph. At this point, I'm doing maybe 45, highway speed is 65. The terror was, the turning of my head was enough to deviate me from my line and I crossed over into the path of this One Buffalo Stampede. As sad as it sounds, the only person responsible for avoiding that accident was the driver of the SUV. And he didn't give much room. Within inches, the 2 ton bullet whizzed passed me and my little ninja, and it was my fault it was that close.

End post realization: Fatigue is very dangerous. If you are tired, get off the damn bike for longer than it takes to smoke a cigarette.

TLDR: How do you corner if you have to pay attention to whats behind you with head checks?
We shall call thee "Seahorse." -Antiant on Couvade Syndrome
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