Thread: Fitness!
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Old June 2nd, 2014, 12:16 PM   #17
dirty boy
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MOTM - Apr '14
Originally Posted by corksil View Post

See, that's life. It's cruel. The strongest survive, the weak are trampled. I'd say that's the core reason why I like the strength I've built. There comes a point in life when a man finds himself in a room with no door. The only remaining option is to walk through a wall to get where he wants to be. Being a big mofo is having the strength to literally walk through walls.

Feels nice, people ask "can you help me move this furniture?" and you just say "please tell me where you want it and step out of my way" and then proceed to pick up a refrigerator, couch, gun-safe by yourself and move it like it's weightless. Life with god-mode enabled.
Or you could use your brain and realize that the room is full of things, things you can use, things that you can use to get out, no sense in being I dimensional, makes for a weak opponent

move furniture... its funny you bring that up because that is part of one of my disses on weight lifting. I always say, "but its great if you want to be a professional mover, and that's setting the bar high "
I love the smell of burning pre-mix in the morning

I don't think I'm a lot dumber than you thought that I think that I thought I was once.
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